travel highs lead to post travel blues, yet I'm finding meaning in this crazy life




Kayelene the rock, honesty, stability, selfless support, the voice of reason. The true friend to my past, present and future. A gift of life’s unexpected and wonderful unfolding. Some people go through a lifetime never finding a friend like this. I wish that wasn’t true, […]

Canyoning is a gift

Canyoning is a gift

….Canyoning in Interlaken, Berner Oberland, Switzerland. With my awesome positive crew sitting under a waterfall and loving every moment…. I’m surprised that I meet so many people who still don’t know what canyoning is. I’m going to change that haha. Canyoning or canyoneering (as the […]

Kombi, ceviche and sunsets in Lima

Kombi, ceviche and sunsets in Lima

…….A view of the dusty red sunset from the hills in Miraflores, while paragliders take flight reminding me of my first love in a place; Interlaken…….. My first 24 hours in Peru has been full of awesome surprises. The first of which was my bag […]

Curve ball

Curve ball

….the purple sunset in Chicago with the late afternoon traffic reminded me of days gone past where I would spend my time in the big city wishing my days away….. The ball curved, for nearly a year, and now it has come back around.  This […]

Chicago sunrise

Chicago sunrise

One of those nights, a late night. Bright lights, new friends, a night we never wanted to end. My dance partner and I, we found ourselves by Chicago’s North Avenue beach at 5.30 am on Sunday morning. Camera in hand. I paused every two minutes […]

Dangerous game

Dangerous game

…..pondering on the beach in Chicago, not hating the player but the game, accepting and realising the necessity of it all……. drip drip drip. what a dangerous game we play – allowing someone into our lives. There are so many opportunities to misunderstand each other, […]

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