travel highs lead to post travel blues, yet I'm finding meaning in this crazy life


Into the solitude and back with GRATITUDE

Into the solitude and back with GRATITUDE

“Appreciate all that you have before wanting more” I live a ridiculously good life. I am grateful. My connections are meaningful, I work hard, I do meaningful things in my career, in my relationships and family. I have so many pleasures, I have so much […]

Years on, and

Years on, and

Its been years since I published a blog post. I’ve drafted many though. I couldn’t connect with the person I was when I originally set up this blog. I had to change the front page (from a happy-go-lucky-follow-your-dreams fairies-and-rainbows travel blog) so that I could […]

Climbing volcanoes

Climbing volcanoes

I was on the phone to Australia, catching up with someone who had up until recently been a very big part of my life. It was our first conversation in about two months, and it was brilliant. It was brilliant on one hand – certain […]

Dangerous game

Dangerous game

…..pondering on the beach in Chicago, not hating the player but the game, accepting and realising the necessity of it all……. drip drip drip. what a dangerous game we play – allowing someone into our lives. There are so many opportunities to misunderstand each other, […]

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