travel highs lead to post travel blues, yet I'm finding meaning in this crazy life


Into the solitude and back with GRATITUDE

Into the solitude and back with GRATITUDE

“Appreciate all that you have before wanting more” I live a ridiculously good life. I am grateful. My connections are meaningful, I work hard, I do meaningful things in my career, in my relationships and family. I have so many pleasures, I have so much […]

Years on, and

Years on, and

Its been years since I published a blog post. I’ve drafted many though. I couldn’t connect with the person I was when I originally set up this blog. I had to change the front page (from a happy-go-lucky-follow-your-dreams fairies-and-rainbows travel blog) so that I could […]

My little ant friend

My little ant friend

My heavy steel capped boots thumped weightily on the walkway between site offices. The large ants walking across the path scattered as the thunder from the boots reverberated through the concrete. I don’t know if ants can see and react as quickly as other insects, […]

Hope to cope with the golden chain

Hope to cope with the golden chain

Dear Mr Magic, Alas, we both must return, to the matrix world of cars and cities. To re-join the land of lost souls, compromises and negativity, shining our little bulbs. Is it possible to stay alight, when light shines into the darkness; shedding? I am […]

Ometepe inspire

Ometepe inspire

Ometepe. The magical vortex island. The island; this moment in life has given me a synchronistic and uncanny gift. The island with the volcanoes, the jungle by the lake and the sunsets in raw chocolate paradise. Nicaragua appears to be the land filled with the […]



My first encounter with meditation was as a ten year old. We were a group of girls in a dormitory at golf camp still awake and restless at 2 am with a big day of golf looming early the next morning. Our senior guide took […]

On from Pumalin Park

On from Pumalin Park

My heart is thumping in my chest. I’ve butterflies in my stomach. I can feel my heart pulsing throughout my body, red and hot through to my fingertips and toes. Its pouring down rain outside, and I’m sitting here in this beautiful architecturally designed house […]

Disasters in Chaiten

Disasters in Chaiten

It’s raining. My hips are bruised, knuckles cheese-grated. Jenny and her joy are gone, its nearly Christmas and I’m alone. I was bitten by a dog yesterday. Over forty people died in Villa Santa Lucia when a disastrous landslide wiped out the next town four […]

Climbing volcanoes

Climbing volcanoes

I was on the phone to Australia, catching up with someone who had up until recently been a very big part of my life. It was our first conversation in about two months, and it was brilliant. It was brilliant on one hand – certain […]

Kayaking de la noche

Kayaking de la noche

Life is so crazy and beautiful. I had one of those special moments this evening when I realised that I was learning how to white water kayak in a lightning storm surrounded by the amazon rainforest.  I love the water so much. I am completely […]

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