travel highs lead to post travel blues, yet I'm finding meaning in this crazy life

Ometepe inspire

Ometepe inspire

Ometepe. The magical vortex island. The island; this moment in life has given me a synchronistic and uncanny gift. The island with the volcanoes, the jungle by the lake and the sunsets in raw chocolate paradise. Nicaragua appears to be the land filled with the manifestation of people’s dreams – relatively unbounded by financial and societal constraints – and what a treat to be able to participate in and experience these mind-blowing creations.

I’ve not just witnessed through a screen – but I’ve actually been a princess in a treehouse and developed videos for a volcano-view chocolate paradise, but more importantly than that I have allowed myself to be inspired. Inspired that I will take for granted my personal dreams and capability in life. This is the point which unlocked the knowledge that there is no limit in this – and I am only just starting to realise my potential.

I’ve never been healthier, or more open to truly living life exactly the way it unfolds in front of me than in this moment right now. And I am blown away by its beauty, and the depth of emotions and passions it inspires from within me, now that I am so open to life. With this new reference point I can reflect back on the time when I was fighting the flow of life or stuck inside a construct of my own mind. Now the mind is simply a tool, no longer a prison – and every difficult situation represents an opportunity to confront pain, understand it’s source and shed a chain.

I am so grateful to have been influenced by people who have not strayed from their ideals in developing their creation. Again, a reference of what is possible. The treehouse, who has employed locals and helped support an entire community; partying with a purpose alongside howler monkeys on the side of a volcano. El Pital, on Ometepe – who have exhibited a vision of vegan, home grown, simple living on a volcanic beach….. with a fully functional raw chocolate factory. Chocolates which surpass in health and quality of any Western developed, commercial chocolates. Even those I tried in Switzerland!

Submitting myself to the flow I have stumbled upon and derived inspiration from these incredible dreams and people. And I am starting to understand where I can choose to fit in the whole game. I have filled my cup, I have learnt how to maintain my energy to keep it full – I am overflowing and ready to give back to life. The people I have been meeting have been mirrors; helping me to see where I can continue developing, but most of all to follow in their footsteps, encouraging me to illuminate in my own natural way.

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