travel highs lead to post travel blues, yet I'm finding meaning in this crazy life

Disasters in Chaiten

Disasters in Chaiten

It’s raining. My hips are bruised, knuckles cheese-grated. Jenny and her joy are gone, its nearly Christmas and I’m alone. I was bitten by a dog yesterday. Over forty people died in Villa Santa Lucia when a disastrous landslide wiped out the next town four days ago. 

The local people and communities in Chile are so close; they are really feeling the sadness caused by the landslide. Its been raining here non-stop for a few days now, which seems to makes sense as it suits the mood. Even after listing the disasters above, I feel that I still have a lot to be grateful for. I am grateful for the exceptional care that I received while in hospital in Chaiten and the free rabies vaccine. I am grateful for the experience to be close to the Chilean locals who include me like I am one of their own even despite my minimal Spanish and the fact that I am only travelling through. I am fortunate that my bruises and scrapes on my knuckles were caused by my willing adventure –  rafting down and flipping on the ‘cheese grater’ rapid on Rio Azul in Futaleufú. And most of all I am grateful for Jenny. The amazing german girl who I met while surfing in Punta de Lobos who has been my travel companion. It felt like fate to not only meet but to have the opportunity to travel with such an exceptional human being for three weeks. Especially since my independence and need for extreme adventures as well as deep intellectual / emotional conversations usually isolates me from potential travel companions. But not Jenny – she was an equal match to tackle the wilderness in Patagonia and in our minds. Our similarities combined with her genuine selflessness set a precedent which I was inspired to follow and it was enough to combat my independent (aka selfish) side. I learned so much from this girl; about music, guitar, singing (she is a singer and organises events for the Special Olympics), about communicating in sensitive situations, about teamwork and group dynamics. I am better off for allowing myself to be influenced by this beautiful human being. She has lifted me up and I am left a little extra. More genuinely self-confident, feeling my self-worth. 

Jenny and I made the most of our opportunity; working together at the Bio Bio Futaleufú river camp, hiking in Park Pumalin, and all the while exchanging our stories and insights. To do this is the best part about travelling; to be able to grow as a person as you share with someone who is on a similar journey. Its so refreshing to find a person who is quite similar to yourself – enough that you can identify strongly with them, but also positive and different and open enough that they are able to share their beautiful way of looking at the world with you. This, in my opinion, is the most enjoyable version of self-reflection. We spoke about many things which have been massive questions in my mind since taking the leap. It was a mutual exchange, and very equal because each had already experienced particular things that the other was about to go through. We spoke about what it means to leave your family and friends behind, to leave the security of your home but to also break free of the prison of routine and to gain a chance to really live each day fully. We talked about how big and bright the lure of exploring the world is, and exploring our place to be able to contribute within it, and on the other hand we discussed our desire to want to have a family in the future and the difficult logistics of having one outside of your home community. We recognised and discussed many problems which arise when you start really hitting life hard, really following your dreams, realising that you are a person who yearns to discover more and grow more than is available within your current comfort zone. 

Even though there are many hurdles to jump, many mountains to climb and we are not yet sure of the best path to take, we did agree on one thing. We agreed to take the first step. We agreed that we are never ever going to give up. We agreed that we will never sell out on our dreams and never sell out on finding out who we are meant to be. We will keep going, with passion and energy and love of the search until we find what we are here on earth for. We agreed to be strong, to be the best we can be, and to not stop even if the steps are difficult and seem scary and uncertain. Because we won’t let fear block the path that our hearts are following, leading our souls to the places where they belong.

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