travel highs lead to post travel blues, yet I'm finding meaning in this crazy life

About me

About me

I am Adele.
I was a chemical engineer, turned white water rafting guide, turned photographer and blogger and overall, a dreamer who dared to follow them till the end. I left my comfortable, corporate city life because I wanted to find out who I was. I wanted to stretch myself and try a new way of living. I dared myself to see if living out my dreams was really possible. It was, for two years, and then I went back to the city.

TRAVEL PERSPECTIVE – below in blue

How on earth do I get back there? I read the below now and my light-hearted perspective feels worlds away. Crushed by the responsibilities and environment of the world I found myself in returning to, fighting the feeling of failure that I had been unable to continue in that state of mind where everything was possible. I came back to earn money to build towards ‘something’, since I had discovered the elements of what that special something was. It’s nice to have a dream, have a vision, but most of all I realise that its the feeling in the moment that counts the most.

Join me in my struggle, in making the struggle count in every moment, to create something that matters in this crazy world.

“I travelled the world in search of adventure, in search of the unknown. I never knew exactly what I was doing, because being spontaneous inspired me.

Its important to me to get close to the locals, to try to understand the reality of living in a particular place. Throwing myself in head first to really feel the edges of life, a willing student of the universe.

When other travellers and I meet at hostels and we share stories, people will always comment that I am crazy; breaking rules, being unexpected, playing spontaneous and outside the box. For example, realising that I am still awake at three am and deciding that it would be a good time to climb through the jungle up to a volcano to watch the sunrise. Which led to meeting other crazy people who co-incidentally happened to be doing the same thing. Which led to us pushing one another to find more adventures. That is being in the flow. To me, those are the little moments that life is made of.

I am insanely curious. I want to find out why I am here on this planet. I want to develop and grow into the best version of myself, to be brave, to discover and be my genuine myself. I want to get out of my own head to be able to lift others up and leave a beautiful mark on every person that I meet. I want to learn to free myself of the past and to open my heart, because I believe that is the best way to connect us all together, all of us – brothers and sisters all around the world.”

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